Some analysts question the ability of any new iPhone models (6S and 6S Plus) to keep pace with growth driven crazy by their predecessors (6 and 6 Plus). Early indications provided by the results released Tuesday are limited because the new aircraft arrived in stores September 25th only. Apple said to have sold more than 13 million copies on the first weekend, and Tim Cook said Tuesday they aroused "a strong interest in the whole world." Apple boss was confident that iPhone sales would rise again this quarter with the year-end holidays. "Any weakness in sales of iPhones in the quarter ended in late December could fuel concern that the ring [renewal, note] smartphones slows," warned for his part Colin Gillis, analyst at BGC Partners, before the publication of Apple's results.
Apple is also looking to diversify, with first shows connected (Apple Watch) launched in April to the first mixed results - the company refused to disclose its sales figures - and an update of streaming Apple TV box, which orders just opened. The Apple brand also put on its new services in music (Music Apple already has 6.5 million paying subscribers) or payments (apple pay). After the United States and the United Kingdom, apple pay will ally with American Express to extend this year in Canada and Australia, and then to Spain, Singapore and Hong Kong next year. These developments, however, have a very limited effect on the results today, but hope they can eventually compensate a potential slowdown in revenue from the iPhone.